Annual Members Summer Show 2024

03.06.24 07:04 AM By The Camera Club


Twice every year at The Camera Club, we love to share the work of our members. To show the skill and imagination of our wide and diverse membership; to show beautiful, intriguing, challenging, puzzling and sometimes funny photographs.

The next members exhibition is the annual Members’ Summer Exhibition and it will be taking place this year from 01 July to 19 July.

Things changed at Gallery 1885 a year or so ago and since then the Members’ Exhibitions have gone sky high. We have received many, many submissions and the Open Views have been fantastic evenings. Great parties.

Things have changed again.

There is going to be a limit to the number of pictures we can receive. In the past couple of members’ exhibitions, the total number of submissions has been unlimited. This year it is limited to 60 pictures

The other change is that the Open view will be taking place in the second week of the exhibition: 11 July at 7pm, not the first week. Why? The first Thursday would be 04 July, the same day as the UK Election. What that means is because the winners will be announced a week later the voting system is going to change a little. Full details below.

What hasn’t changed is that there are still going to be prizes!

  • First prize 100 points
  • Second prize 75 points
  • Third prize 50 points

One point equals one pound and the points can be exchanged for studio, darkroom, digital suite time and your annual subscription (not workshops, though) So when you think about it, the first prize is a hundred quid!

The winners will be decided by their fellow members. As well as submitting prints, each submission should also include a digital image. All of the images will be displayed on The Camera Club Website and each member will be able to vote for their first, second and third favourite pictures. 

We really want to present as much work as possible from as many members as possible. There is no set theme, no limitations. Street, portrait, fashion, landscape, narrative, documentary - any genre you wish to share.

All of the submitted prints must fit our standard frame of 500mm by 400mm. If you have never provided prints before, have a look at our Gallery Hanging Guide for a few hints and tips. And if you have any other questions or need any more information, get in touch with Bill Hart-French at Gallery 1885 he is more than happy to help you in any way.

So, if you would like to submit some pictures and join in with the exhibition. This is what you need to do.

Step One | Digital Versions

We need a digital version of your pictures so we can display them on the website and the members can vote for them. Email the digital versions of your submitted images to Each JPG should be a minimum of 1500px on its longest edge and you should provide the following information in your email:

·       Your name
·       Your email

You can submit up to two images and they should be named in the following way:


The deadline for submitting the digital images is midnight on Sunday 23 June. If images are received after this time, they will not be eligible for the vote. PLEASE NOTE: As soon as we have received 60 submissions, the door will be closed. So, if you would like to share your photography, please submit your images as early as possible.

Step Two | Printed Versions

Deliver the prints to The Camera Club. As mentioned, they should be 500mm by 400mm. If you wish to submit prints of a different size (smaller, not larger), we are happy to receive them, but you will have to supply your own frame.

Place a label on the back of each print with the following information:

·       Your name
·       The title of the image
·       Your email
·       The file name of the corresponding digital image (YourName_ImageTitle.jpg)

As well as putting a label on the back of the print, please put a label on the packaging as well. That way we can easily repack your pictures after the exhibition is over.

The deadline for delivering the prints to The Camera Club is 10pm on Friday 28 June.

Step Three | Voting!

The voting will open on Tuesday 25 June and will close at midnight on Wednesday 10 July. When the voting page is ready it will be announced via a special newsletter, on the website, on social media and on the club Whatsapp group (The Camera Club – Main). Each member may vote just once. 

You can vote for three pictures. First choice, second choice, third choice and the pictures will receive three points, two points and one point accordingly.

In the past, we have received a couple of comments about the voting. Some people wanted to see the pictures on the wall, in real life, before voting. They felt that they would be able to appreciate the photograph better that way. Pictures can often look different in real life. Better than digital versions online. So, because the voting deadline is in the second week of the exhibition this year, you will be able to see the pictures on the wall before voting. But voting, as before, will take place online.

The result will be announced on the evening of the Open View on Thursday 11 July. Oh, did we mention there will be booze and nibbles? A Summer Party? Absolutely!

Once again, if you have any questions or need any further information, get in touch with Bill Hart-French at Gallery1885:

The Camera Club