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The Exp Group

The EXP Group is a new group devoted to film-based photography. 

Meeting Dates: 

Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month, at 7pm, (except public holidays, then it will be the second Monday). 

We post the dates every month on the home page.

Objectives of the group

To provide a meeting place for photographers who shoot film, and ideally, go on to produce prints in a darkroom.

What happens at the meet-ups

Members will share experiences and skills with the group. 

There will be presentations of work by individuals. Two members of the group own large format cameras. A workshop will be arranged, so that they can demonstrate the method of using such a camera.

We have a club member who is a very experienced alternative processes printmaker. He is not a member of the EXP group, but we will try to arrange for him to do presentations to the group. 

Who can attend?

Non-members can attend for a single meeting, but would be expected to become a member of the Club if they wish to continue attending meetings. 

For enquiries about this group email us on