Accreditation Sessions
In order to use the studios and darkrooms members must first attend the appropriate accreditation session. Accreditation provides a short introduction to the facility: the equipment, rules and tips. Accreditation is not a detailed training session.
Accreditation is meant to give members the ins & outs of our particular equipment and facilities, not a step-by-step course on how to light a model, develop film or use Photoshop.
Please note that if you allow your membership to lapse for more than 3 months after the expiry date, you will need to undergo re-accreditation in order to use the facilities.
Studio Accreditation
Studio Accreditation
The Camera Club provides one of the most premium accreditation programmes in the United Kingdom, designed to instil confidence and proficiency in our members. Participation in our sessions equips you with the expertise required to not only utilise our facilities optimally, but also to transfer those skills efficiently to other environments.
Comprehensive Accreditation
A comprehensive 1 hr 45m session: Participants gain hands-on experience handling our equipment. We cover safety procedures, effective working methods and damage limitation, as well as the comprehensive process of how to use all of the lighting equipment. Ideal for complete beginners to empower you with the autonomy to run your own sessions independently. Cost £12 to members
Dates are ALWAYS announced on the HOME PAGE and out Social feeds.
Fast Accreditation
More experienced photographers can be given a shorter 30-40 minute run through of our lighting settings and general studio usage.
These are run by our resident Studio Manager, Steve Ullathorne on Thursday mornings.
Contact the front desk to organise a session. Cost: Free to members
Darkroom Accreditation
Darkroom Accreditation
With so few fully functioning, commercial darkrooms left in the UK, The Camera Club is an ideal place to combine analogue photography with film development and printing. If you are new to our darkrooms, a light accreditation session will introduce you to the full end to end process of using our equipment safely and ensuring you're getting the best quality results from our set ups.
General Accreditation
A full run-through of our equipment and where everything is kept, stored and handled including how to book, order chemicals and materials.
These are run by our resident Darkroom Manager, Marco Masetti. Email to book.
Contact the front desk to organise a session. Free to members.
Beginners Training Sessions
For those completely new to darkroom techniques we offer a collection of sessions that provides a solid ground of base darkroom techniques. All sessions will take place in our darkrooms or our gallery and will be mostly practical and cover B&W Film development, basic film printing, dodging, burning and Split grade printing.
The three sessions can be taken individually or grouped together in a single full-day training course "from-zero-to-hero".
Cost: £120 members - £180 non-members
Advanced Darkroom Techniques
These sessions are for film photographers who want to reach consistency and increase the quality of their prints. These sessions are restricted to club members only, already accredited to use our darkrooms.
These are long sessions (typically 6-8 hours) split in 2 parts with a lunch break in between. Participants should have attended all sessions of the Basic Darkroom Techniques training course (at least sessions 1 and 2) or have attended an equivalent training course.
The maximum no of participants is 3. Cost: £140
We have a plethora of downloadable, easy to consume, portable and printable content. Whilst some of this content is available to download for anyone we do have a lot more behind the scenes that you only get when you become a member.
The following is a list of free to own accreditation materials:
TCC Studio Accreditation Take Away
TCC Darkroom Accreditation Take Away (coming soon)
Want to get in touch?
If you have any questions about accreditation, training or booking the above sessions please get in touch using the details below.