Fragments – An Inhibition | John Mawditt | 04 September to 22 September

Constrained by just one person’s experiences, the exhibition “Fragments” is an “In-hibition” - unique and random fractions of a second, stolen from the time-space continuum and briefly frozen - each as a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity.
In essence, all images are, or begin as, simple ‘record photographs’, and perhaps nothing more, except - they capture moments that rekindle past episodes more vividly and truthfully than the mind can recall without being tricked by imagination and false embellishment. However, any ambiguity is entirely intentional.
“These few fragments will tell you only about my mind”, says John Mawditt, “and perhaps, just by chance, some may also kindle a response in you? A common experience? Being human? Having lived, loved and experienced a full life?
Open View: Thursday 07 September - everybody is welcome