ImageArt Group - January 25th 7pm

17.01.23 05:13 PM By The Camera Club

This months theme is JOY

Given that it is the middle of January, we think we could all do with a little bit of joy… 

The Camera Club ImageArt Group meet on the last Wednesday of the month to display and discuss their images based on each month’s theme.

JANUARY theme will be JOY. Come along - all are welcome. 7PM onwards @ Gallery 1885 - or simply tag your entries on instagram / twitter with #TTCJOY and let us know.

Last year we ran 12 ImageArt sessions and the response was mild at the beginning of the year but progressed to quite a few entries by the end. This year we're looking to move away from simple colour challenges to something more challenging. 

For the next 6 months we'll be exploring a more emotional range of themes with our starter in January as JOY! You can see some of the results by following us on instagram or twitter.

The Camera Club