Blog categorized as Club News

A Note from our new president Lucy Reeve

01.03.23 02:36 PM By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
A Note from our new president Lucy Reeve

It’s fair to say that the last few years have been challenging for everyone, and The Camera Club hasn’t been exempt from this. 2022 saw the club making a slow but steady return to normality, with members returning to use the studios, darkrooms and taking part in a number of new groups set up by the ...

Call for Stewards

23.10.22 08:10 PM By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
As you know the club is run by volunteers several of whom act as stewards staffing the club so that we are able to open for bookings. Unfortunately we lost a number of stewards who have not returned since lockdown and as a result there are, at times, considerable gaps were the club is unable to open...