A Note from our new president Lucy Reeve

01.03.23 02:36 PM - By The Camera Club

2023 has seen The Camera Club get off to a great start, and it’s only March!

It’s fair to say that the last few years have been challenging for everyone, and The Camera Club hasn’t been exempt from this. 2022 saw the club making a slow but steady return to normality, with members returning to use the studios, darkrooms and taking part in a number of new groups set up by the Events and Comms team. 

The year ended on a much more positive note than 2021, and if the start of 2023 is anything to go by then we’re in for an exciting year!

Membership is already seeing an increase, with a significant number of new members of all ages signing up to use the darkrooms - proof that digital isn’t completely taking over! 

Without doubt, the new improved website is a complete winner and is doing a huge amount not only to improve the look and feel of the club, but to keep members informed, make stewards lives easier and facilitate a much slicker running of the club. 
We’ve got so many new groups and activities including the new ‘Impossible’ Group which starts this month. The club is really beginning to feel like a ’club’ again. There's a buzz that the building has been missing for the last couple of years, and seeing new, as well as many familiar faces, back in Bowden Street is very cheering.

I’m stepping into the President's shoes at what feels like a super exciting time, and am really looking forward to helping the club move forward and become a destination for all levels of photographers to come and take part in events, share and learn new skills and enjoy the company of a group of diverse members who all enjoy photography in a fun and dynamic environment. 

Lucy Reeve: President

The Camera Club