Gallery 1885 July 2023 Exhibition

14.06.23 07:48 PM By The Camera Club

CAPTURED VISIONS: 03 July - 05 August
​The Camera Club in Partnership with the London Southbank University

The Camera Club has partnered with the London Southbank University (LSBU) to showcase BA (Hons) architecture students’ design concepts of the Camera Club’s building inspired by their exploration of the relationship between photography and architecture throughout the academic year of 2022/2023.

Studio 06 of LSBU’s Architecture programme aims at exploring architecture at different levels of social and environmental settings through observing complex territories such as communities, inhabitations, infrastructures, networks, processes, and ecologies. They use a range of disciplines, both traditional and contemporary, to articulate their observations and design proposals. 

Throughout this year, students of Studio 06 have been focussing on how fundamentally important photography has been to human history and how it continues to play a role in expanding the populace's understanding of the zeitgeist; influencing public opinion, and bringing about societal change, and finally, how architecture can contribute to raising awareness, inspiring change, and, in effect, revolutionising the norms of contemporary society.

The Camera Club with its rich history and its facilities was an ideal subject of the project and the Club, in accordance with its mission to advance education in the theory and practice of the art and science of photography, in particular by providing or assisting in the provision of educational, instructional and learning activities, was keen to assist LSBU Studio 06 with their quest.

The students visited the Camera Club in October 2022 to attend a presentation to enhance their induction into the the rise and development of the medium, principles of light & shadow, colour, texture & reflectivity of materials, and their influence on space, with special focus on arts and architecture. 

The Exhibition

The outcomes were intended to unlock the design and graphics creativity of students in order for them to draw inspiration from photographic works and from their understanding of the principles of light and colour, darkroom processes, contemporary technology and case studies. 

As part of their coursework, the students were given the task to ‘survey’ the Club’s building and produce design proposals by ‘re-imagining’ the Club and its surroundings.

The design concepts and proposals with models, photos and mounts will be on display at the Camera Club’s 1885 Gallery.

Dates: 3 July to 5 Aug 2023

Open View: Thursday 06 July

The Camera Club