ImageArt September

23.09.24 09:45 PM - By The Camera Club


This months is all about photographing the world we go to when we sleep. Perhaps its an ethereal place best captured by experimenting with long exposures? Maybe its the dream where you're falling and you'd like get in the studio to recreate it? There's always childhood dreams of how we hoped life would unfold, and the daydreams we slip into during the daily grind. Let's not forget, nightmares count as dreams too! And for those among us who don't remember our dreams - how do you imagine a dream would look?

Pass the Parcel

This is the second part to our group evening, where we invite you to submit a response, in the form of an image, to a photograph from last month's Pass the Parcel. And here's your photo - by Andrew McKelvie

Whether you are sharing pictures or not, come along to the group on Thursday 29th August @ 7pm.

If you'd like to share some pictures for the evening, then click the following link and upload them. Number your pictures in the order you'd like them shown. So we all have time to share images, please limit the number of photos you send in to around 10.

Upload here.

It’s a great opportunity to meet up with lots of members. See old friends, make new friends. Chat about photography, share information and tips and just generally have a good ening. Oh, and there will always be good photographs.

If you need any more info or have any questions about this month's session, get in touch with Fred or Simon: or

Image Art Group | Thursday 26th September- 7pm to 9pm

Cover image by Katia Autier

The Camera Club