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Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Christopher Sparkes

24.07.24 12:51 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Christopher Sparkes
Reimagining Non-Places is a collection of photographs by photographer Christopher Sparkes.

Reimagining Non-Places is a body of work still in growth, considering the thematic reflections in anthropology that examine the impact of urban architecture and surrounding spaces on the people t...

ImageArt July

20.07.24 01:09 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
ImageArt July

Submissions for the IA group are twofold: Main submission based on a monthly theme and second submission should be inspired by a photograph submitted the previous month and chosen by Simon and Fred. A sort of photographic Chinese whisper or Pass the the parcel!


July hasn't felt much like summ...

ImageArt June

10.06.24 01:09 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
ImageArt June

Submissions for the IA group are twofold: Main submission based on a monthly theme and second submission should be inspired by a photograph submitted the previous month and chosen by Simon and Fred. A sort of photographic Chinese whisper or Pass the the parcel!


Now it's starting to feel like ...

Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Nicholas Andrews

03.06.24 07:04 AM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Nicholas Andrews
Son of a Beach is a narrative of the male form in the context of the coast, reflecting his adolescence growing up in Dorset, close to some of the most beautiful beaches in the UK.

Annual Members Summer Show 2024

03.06.24 07:04 AM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Annual Members Summer Show 2024
Twice every year at The Camera Club, we love to share the work of our members. To show the skill and imagination of our wide and diverse membership; to show beautiful, intriguing, challenging, puzzling and sometimes funny photographs. Find out how to join in.

Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Dennis José Vilaça: 

21.05.24 07:03 AM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Dennis José Vilaça: 
As a photographer, Dennis is fascinated by the inherent tension between his subjects’ inner feelings of existence and how they consciously present to the world. He’s aware of how much of city life is staged and how cognisant people are of image; and how taking photographs in a studio setting can len...

Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Vitor Lopes

02.05.24 07:51 AM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Vitor Lopes
Three years ago, Vitor dived into the world of photography and dedicated himself wholeheartedly to learn this craft. Through his distinctive style, he demonstrates a wealth of creativity and a clear artistic vision, resulting in his participation in two group exhibitions i...

ImageArt May

28.04.24 09:12 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
ImageArt May

Submissions for the IA group are twofold: Main submission based on a monthly theme and second submission should be inspired by a photograph submitted the previous month and chosen by Simon and Fred. A sort of photographic Chinese whisper or Pass the the parcel!


The monthly themE will follow a...

ImageArt April

07.04.24 03:58 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
ImageArt April

Submissions for the IA group are twofold: Main submission based on a monthly theme and second submission should be inspired by a photograph submitted the previous month and chosen by Simon and Fred. A sort of photographic Chinese whisper or Pass the the parcel!a


The monthly them will follow a...

Gallery 1885 Exhibition

05.04.24 04:11 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition
Soho is one of the oldest places in London. Creative, lively, gritty. Infamous? Soho is a place where it's safe to be yourself. Where the thick layers of armour that mask the real person underneath can be dropped.

Interesting people are everywhere, it's only when they're in an environment that holds ...

ImageArt March

07.03.24 09:38 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
ImageArt March

Submissions for the IA group are twofold: A main submission based on a monthly theme and second submission inspired by a photograph submitted the previous month and chosen by Simon and Fred. A sort of photographic Pass the the parcel!

PART ONE - monthly theme

The monthly theme will follow a general th...

Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Astrid Schultz

01.03.24 07:45 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Astrid Schultz
Astrid Schulz - Food As Medicine: 18 MAR - 12 APR. Astrid became fascinated with exotic food when she was a child. She was born in Hamburg – “The Gateway to the World”. Her favourite place in the city was the port and she has fond memories of early morning visits with her father.

Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Chris Pig

15.02.24 03:40 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Gallery 1885 Exhibition: Chris Pig
"Isolation Portraits" is a project developed by Chris Pig while in lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic that hit the planet in 2020. Isolation: time to think and rethink, time to reflect and to put things into perspective. 26 February 2024

Image Art February

14.02.24 11:52 PM - By The Camera Club - Comment(s)
Image Art February

NEW DATE: TUESDAY - 27th February @ 7 pm

From February, Simon Lower and Frederique Bellec will be taking over the IA Group meeting. Bill Hart-French has been looking after this group for the last twelve months but now he is moving on. The meeting will follow a slightly differ...