July 2023 Newsletter

03.07.23 04:02 PM - By The Camera Club

The Camera Club updates, events, groups & more

This month, Our collaboration with LSBU in Gallery 1885 transforms the club into incredible new shapes and layouts. More even groups are appearing and we've launched some exciting new downloadable learning materials. We have events on the 6th, 8th (x2), 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 25th & 26th and will be our busiest month in years.

Please read on...

Exhibition in Gallery 1885


The Camera Club in Partnership with the London Southbank University. BA (Hons) architecture students’ design concepts of the Camera Club’s building

03 July - 05 August

Open View: 06 July 7pm

Studio Groups

Open session for all levels to explore lighting setups as a group. Ideal for those wanting to get more comfortable with the studio gear. Booking required.

Saturday 08 July - 10am

Hands-on training with our studio setups. If you are a complete beginner or struggle in the studio then these sessions help you become more independent. 

Booking required.

Wednesday 12 July - 7pm

Nick Gregan: Portrait Group

Learn lighting setups and boost your portfolio with our resident master Nick Gregan. One of our most popular groups it sells out fast!

Booking required.

Thursday 13 July- SOLD OUT

Nick Gregan: Dance Group

Learn lighting setups and boost your portfolio with our resident master Nick Gregan who invites our own roster of professional dancers to the club. Booking required.

Booking required.

Thursday 13 July- SOLD OUT

Free to Everyone Meetup Groups

Saturday meetup to openly chat about all things photography. Open to members and non-members alike, just turn up.

Saturday 8th July - 11 am

PhotograpHERS Group

Open to everyone this group celebrates the great female photographers throughout history. Open to
members and non-members alike - just turn up.

Tuesday 11 July - 6:30pm

Impossible Group

Bleeding edge photography and image making from AI, VR, Lidar, drones, free resources and more. Open to members and non-members alike, just turn up.

Wednesday 19 July - 7pm

ImageArt Group

This month's theme: Water, water everywhere.
We will be taking a break in August, returning in Sept. So come along and meet everyone. Free to all.

Wednesday 26 July - 7pm

TCC EXCLUSIVE: Alternative Process Printing Courses 

with Dr Peter Moseley

The Camera Club is honoured to present a series of exclusive workshops featuring Dr Peter Moseley, one of the UK's foremost experts in early contact-printing processes.

There are only a few remaining places left.

Session Dates:

Cyanotype Printing: 17 June 10:00am - SOLD OUT

New Digital Downloads

Our exclusive new set of cheat sheets now covers 20 different key photography skills in an incredible set of easy-to-read, project cheat sheets. Print them out and take them with you on the move or simply have them on your phone or tablet for reminders.

They cost £45 for the full set, but if you are a member of the club you can obtain them completely free by emailing us from your membership email address and we'll give you full access to all 20.

In the meantime enjoy the first 3 completely free with these links:

What we're looking at...

Astronomy Photography of the Year

Greenwich’s National Maritime Museum

Runs until August 13 2023.

Tickets £10

A World In Common: Contemporary African Photography

Tate Modern

Runs from July 6 2023 to January 14 2024

Tickets £17

Lagos, Peckham, Repeat: Pilgrimage to the Lakes

South London Gallery, London

5 July - 29 October 2023


Who Shot What

Group Images: Phil Amon, Nick Gregan, Bill Hart French
Astronomy Photographer of the Year: Stabbing Into the Stars © Zihui Hu

The Camera Club